Functional Skills Level 2 Maths Past Papers (Mock Tests)


Each month Edexcel (one of several awarding bodies that award Functional Skills Maths qualifications) produce a new test paper for candidates to sit, the links below are to real past test papers, they are exactly like the test you will eventually sit at EDT.

Right-click on the mock test you want to download - select Save Target As - save the file to your computer.
Mock Test 1 Mock Test 2 Mock Test 3 Mock Test 4
Mock Test 5 Mock Test 6 Mock Test 7 Mock Test 8
Mock Test 9 Mock Test 10 Mock Test 11 Mock Test 12
Mock Test 13 Mock Test 14 Mock Test 15 Mock Test 16

Note: when you take your test IT WILL NOT be a paper based test, it will be an online computer based test
and although the test questions will be based around exactly the same type of things that are in the past papers
they do not look like a paper based test. For that reason we recommend that you practise an online test first to
familiarise yourself with the way they look onscreen and to see how you need to answer the questions online.

Right click the word HERE save the file to the desktop of your computer. Locate the file and double click it to install the practice test.

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